Friday, September 23, 2011

Cmdr Moale's OO Scale Trolley Models

Cmdr Moale was an early modeler of traction cars in OO scale.  American OO Today had a great post on him the other day.  See the post here.


Recently Kinkei Sharyo of Japan has been touring a hybrid technology streetcar called the AmeriTram around to different public transportation properties around the country.  It is  a 100 percent low floor design.  It is on display now at the American Public Transportation Association trade show in New Orleans.  This will be the last stop on this prototype cars' tour of the US.  Cities it was demonstrated in include Dallas, Charlotte, Austin, Phoenix, Tempe, and Kansas City.  The new street car line that is to be built in Dallas is thinking of using a car of this hybrid battery technology.  The main reason is to lower the cost of the line by not hanging overhead over the whole line and also the Houston st. bridge does not have room for overhead poles to be installed.  There will be overhead wires in some spots such as at stations to facilitate the quick charging of the batteries.  Click the link for more information on the AmeriTram.